Variation Variation - technique where material is repeated in an altered form . There are two types of variations called "sectional" and "continuous" The changes may involve melody, rhythm, harmony, counterpoint, timbre, orchestration or any combination of these. variations are very common especially in classical music. composers will change the original melody in a number of different ways. e.g. of this are adding notes, taking notes away (and inverting the melody (if the melody went up in pitch in the theme it is played going down in pitch in the variation). Another common technique is to add ornamentation such as trills. Variation example #1 Variation example #2 In this video I look at the musical technique of Variation as a way of turning your initial idea into a larger piece. Here is an example of a piece that accompanies today's topic well. Composer: Bach Here is a lesson by a music theory teacher, breaking down the various elements of a piece and it...