
Showing posts from March, 2021

Week 11 6/4 chords and expanding the basic phrase

6/4 chords and expanding the basic phrase  Root position and first inversion are virtually interchangeable. Following up on the previous notes where you could not double the 5/ 7.  Now you cannot double the 6/4 The 6th and 4th are tendency notes In the credential 6/4 you can only double the  bass because, the  The 6th and 4th will resolve down to the 5 and 3 

Week 10

 Dominant 7th and Chorale Harmonization The chordal seventh creates a dissonance with the chord's root When resolving V7 to I, DO NOT double the leading tone in the dominant harmony (this functions as a tendency tony) In chorale melodies, the rhythm found in the harmony is usually one chord per beat.  If the same chord is required for more than one beat; change the soprano note or bass inversion of the chord to provide variety  within the melody or harmony My Personal Video

Week 8

 From Counterpoint Species to the Chorale Style Soprano and Basslines In the dominant  7th the leading tone and chordal 7th are tendency tones Two 7ths are found in the 5 and 7 chords The 3rd of a dominant chord is the leading tone and the 4th is the chordal 7th. Chorale is 4 parts (SATB) Tendency notes are notes that have to go somewhere

Week 9

Entry 4b in Learning Portfolio

  Entry 4b in Learning Portfolio