Week 9 Intervals

Week 9

Entry 6


Definition: difference in pitch between two sounds. 

Interval Sizes

tone the interval of two semitones.

Examples of tones (whole steps)

the notes C and D are two letter notes apart and so is an interval of a 2nd.

C and E they are three letter notes apart and so this interval is a 3rd.

C – E is a 3rd

C to F are four letter notes apart and so would be a 4th.

C – F is a 4th

This pattern continues in the same manner.


Unison Interval

We can also have intervals that are the same note. 

Major Intervals

If it’s a 4th, 5th or an 8ve, then it will be a perfect interval, if it’s another interval then it will be a major interval.

Here’s C major scale with the major intervals marked:

Major intervals

This is the case for every major scale, not just C major.

If the lower note is the tonic and the upper note is in the major scale, it will always either be a major or perfect interval.

Minor Interval
minor interval has one less half step than a major interval

Seconds, thirds, sixths, and sevenths can be major intervals or minor intervals. The minor interval is always a half-step smaller than the major interval.

Perfect Intervals

To be a perfect interval the upper note has to be in the major scale of the lower note.

If the interval is a 4th, 5th or 8ve and isn’t in the major scale, then it’s not a perfect interval.

For example C to F# is a 4th but is not a perfect 4th as F# is not in C major scale.

It is also not a perfect fourth because, it's an augmented 4th.

Augmented vs Diminished Intervals

If an interval is a half-step larger than a perfect or a major interval, it is called augmented. An interval that is a half-step smaller than a perfect or a minor interval is called diminished. A double sharp or double flat is sometimes needed to write an augmented or diminished interval correctly.

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